Online Forms

Create dynamic, custom online forms to capture and submit accurate, up-to-date data from any location.
Most organizations are on the journey to modernize their processes, but many haven’t fully transitioned yet. Here are some important considerations.

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Solution Tools

DocPoint Solutions has established partnerships with companies that have best-of-class solutions for M365. Use our Solution Tools guide for a list of some of our key partners who will help your business thrive.

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DocPoint Solutions Overview

DocPoint Solutions, Inc. (DocPoint), a subsidiary of Konica Minolta, specializes in delivering integrated solutions powered by the M365 Platform. Leveraging the full suite of Microsoft tools, DocPoint develops innovative solutions in areas like content management, platform modernization, custom user interfaces, data migration, and business automation.

Cloud Workplace Automation

Today automation tools perform the same tasks but function on a substantially more flexible architecture. If your team is new to automation, a typical implementation path would be Analysis, Development, UAT and Go-Live.

Migration – Make Your Data Work for You

The day comes when your team is faced with migrating content from one platform to another. There may be a business challenge with current infrastructure, outdated hardware, operating systems and products that are approaching or have reached end of life.

FedRAMP: Moving Federal Government Agencies to the Cloud

Like organizations in the commercial sector, government agencies are turning to cloud-based solutions to support information sharing across the enterprise in a more cost-effective, scalable and secure manner. This shift is due in part to the U.S. Government’s “Cloud-First” initiative.